InTDS ArchivebyRenéGetting started with Data Analysis in JuliaA gentle introductory guide on getting started with Data Analysis in Julia.Dec 7, 2020Dec 7, 2020
InTDS ArchivebyEssam WisamEmbracing Julia: An Invitation LetterWarmly Extended to Python Lovers, Scientific Computing Wizards and Data ScientistsOct 13, 20236Oct 13, 20236
InDev GeniusbyNic CoxenMultilinear regression with Juliausing GLM , Statistics , MLDataUtils …Feb 4, 20233Feb 4, 20233
InJuliaZoidbyBogumił KamińskiTableMetadataTools.jlBefore I begin let me make a small announcement. In my last post I have advertised an introductory Julia course for data science that will…Jan 13, 20231Jan 13, 20231
InJuliaZoidbyNolan FortmanThe do’s and don’ts of Julia programming: Tips for writing efficient, maintainable codeBest practices for writing great Julia code for beginners and experts alikeDec 31, 20222Dec 31, 20222
InJuliaZoidbyLogan KilpatrickThe 10 Best Julia Resources All Programmers Should ReadGreat articles, tutorials, and videos for Julia and non-Julia developers alikeJan 2, 20231Jan 2, 20231
InJuliaZoidbyLogan KilpatrickHere’s how NASA is using Julia to better understand the oceanHow ocean and climate research are being powered by the Julia programming languageDec 28, 2022Dec 28, 2022
InTDS ArchivebyPatrick AltmeyerConformal Prediction in Julia 🟣🔴🟢Part 1 — IntroductionOct 25, 2022Oct 25, 2022
Bogumił KamińskiDataFrames.jl for work and pleasureThis week I have read a post on Why Vim is better than VSCode. In it the author discusses a lot the operator — text object — motion…Jun 3, 2022Jun 3, 2022
InJuliaZoidbyBogumił KamińskiSolving the Knight covering puzzle with JuliaRecently David Amos started posting interesting puzzles on Twitter. One of them can be found here and asks to find the smallest number of…Sep 30, 20222Sep 30, 20222
Bogumił KamińskiDoes Julia use 1-based indexing?Julia is a powerful language giving a lot of flexibility to developers. This flexibility was one of the factors that convinced me to use…Aug 26, 2022Aug 26, 2022
InJuliaZoidbyLogan KilpatrickThe Best Julia Programming Books Going into 2023What are the Julia books you should read to learn the language?Oct 25, 20222Oct 25, 20222
InJuliaZoidbyBogumił KamińskiBack to the basics: don’t lag behind with your DataFrames.jl skillsSeveral of my recent posts were a bit more advanced, so today I thought to write something for beginners. A common task that one needs to…Sep 23, 2022Sep 23, 2022
InTDS ArchivebyLogan Kilpatrick5 Courses to Help You Start Learning Julia TodayThe best online Julia courses you can take for free going into 2023Oct 4, 20223Oct 4, 20223
InTowards DevbyJ SimlJulia for Analysts: Tips for Better Beginnings — Patterns for Error-free Data Crunching (#4)Tips for reducing errors and speeding up the “time-to-insight”. Stick to DataFramesMeta+StatsPlots, use symbols, DataFramesMeta row-wise…Aug 23, 2022Aug 23, 2022
InLevel Up CodingbyBence Komarniczky15 things I learned about Julia after completing all easy Exercism tasksSome cool features of the Julia languageSep 22, 2022Sep 22, 2022